We all have heard this proverb "Nero was fiddling while rome was burning". In karnataka Natural resources are being looted, Thugs are beating up girls in front of Camera.Still everybody show fingers at BJP government only. There must be some officials who must be looking over the day to day administration of the state..I dont know what these bureaucrats are doing. Administrative machinery is dead. No body knows that there is a CEO in Karnataka Govermnment who looks after all this. He is called The Chief Secretary. Presently this post is held by a man called S.V.Ranganath..
These days the happenings in the state of Karnataka is quite disturbing. Officials are working hand in glove with Corrupt politician. Not that Mr S.V Ranganath is different. The government appointed him to this post by overlooking the seniority of many other IAS officers thanks to his political bosses. Eversince he has asumed the charge he is following the policy of Masterly inactivity. The happenings in this state makes us believe that he is a misfit to his post. But he seems too shrewd. When culture-vultures attacked girls when they were having a birthday party at their home Mr S.V Ranganath directed his officials to harass the victims rather than arresting the culprits. His officials are busy investigating whether the house in which party is going on has got license to run the homestay or whether they have got proper water connection,electricity connection etc. All is being done on the pretext of Morality. If he is such a moral freak then why he is always accompanied by a Pimp who used to supply women to one of
his predecessor. Does the office of the Chief Secretary has got the license to employ an official Pimp?.Why should the tax payers of the state should bear the burden of the salary of those people who cater to the "SPECIAL" needs of this office?
He could not take care of his own officials.When Tourists beats up and killed assistant conservator of forests (ACF) in Karwar he was silent. This may not be true when it comes to protecting corrupt officials who are raided by Lokyukta. When Syed Jameer Pasha was raided by Lokayukta the government decided not to press charges. Many executives in Karnataka joined hand with Mining Mafia and made crores of rupees. He never advised them to gaurd the interest of the state. His silence encouraged corrupt officials. He remained silent spectator all the way.People say he is a clean person. Yes he is a clean hand. A clean mind free of any concern for the state.It is ture that he is a very soft person who cannot talk tough to his political bosses. He may be having some domestic problems tool. If he is hapless then he could at least go on central deputation and clear the stage for a efficient officer.